You are invited to donate to the December / Christmas / Year-End offering that supports my work at Jesus in Love for LGBT spirituality and the arts.
Give now by clicking the “GoFundMe” button below or visiting my donate page.
Most of the funds for the annual budget come from donations in December.
Your contributions bring hope, stand up for artistic and religious freedom, and free people to experience the divine in new ways.
“Some of our best resources, that push the edges and make us re-evaluate, do not have a regular source of funding. This one is well worth your donation,” says contributor Nancy Radclyffe.
Jesus in Love is my gift to the world. What do you feel called to give in return?
Since I launched in 2005, it has grown to include the popular Jesus in Love Blog and e-newsletter and the Spanish-language Santos Queer .
Traffic at the Jesus in Love Blog continued to grow this year, reaching 172,000 pageviews in the last 12 months. More people also signed up for the Jesus in Love Newsletter, where the mailing list grew by 14 percent to 1,138 subscribers.
Numbers alone can't express the impact of Jesus in Love on people's lives. Listen to the voices of readers:
“Provocative, inspiring, uplifting!”
-- Jason Wood
“A very well written, well researched and always wonder-filled blog.”
-- Br. Mark D'Alessio
“Truly a light in the darkness for gay Christians.”
--Alison Amyx, editor
I am passionately committed to Jesus in Love because it grew out of my own personal journey as a lesbian Christian.
Your gifts help pay for Jesus in Love's expenses all year long, including Internet access, website design and hosting, computer maintenance, bank fees, office supplies and overhead.
Many thanks to EVERYONE who has given their time, talent and resources this year!
Jesus in Love is not a non-profit organization, so your gifts to Kittredge Cherry for Jesus in Love are not tax deductible.
Give now by clicking the “GoFundMe” button below or visiting my donate page.
Most of the funds for the annual budget come from donations in December.
Your contributions bring hope, stand up for artistic and religious freedom, and free people to experience the divine in new ways.
“Some of our best resources, that push the edges and make us re-evaluate, do not have a regular source of funding. This one is well worth your donation,” says contributor Nancy Radclyffe.
Jesus in Love is my gift to the world. What do you feel called to give in return?
Since I launched in 2005, it has grown to include the popular Jesus in Love Blog and e-newsletter and the Spanish-language Santos Queer .
Traffic at the Jesus in Love Blog continued to grow this year, reaching 172,000 pageviews in the last 12 months. More people also signed up for the Jesus in Love Newsletter, where the mailing list grew by 14 percent to 1,138 subscribers.
Numbers alone can't express the impact of Jesus in Love on people's lives. Listen to the voices of readers:
“Provocative, inspiring, uplifting!”
-- Jason Wood
“A very well written, well researched and always wonder-filled blog.”
-- Br. Mark D'Alessio
“Truly a light in the darkness for gay Christians.”
--Alison Amyx, editor
I am passionately committed to Jesus in Love because it grew out of my own personal journey as a lesbian Christian.
Your gifts help pay for Jesus in Love's expenses all year long, including Internet access, website design and hosting, computer maintenance, bank fees, office supplies and overhead.
Many thanks to EVERYONE who has given their time, talent and resources this year!
Jesus in Love is not a non-profit organization, so your gifts to Kittredge Cherry for Jesus in Love are not tax deductible.